New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing

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Our Purpose: Better Carbon Markets

Calyx Global is committed to ensuring that the growth of carbon markets leads to more impact – in the fight against climate change, in the quest to maintain a healthy planet and as a means to contribute to positive societal outcomes for individuals and communities around the world.

Calyx Global Team & Partners

Together in Pursuit of Better Carbon Markets

The growing team at Calyx Global includes climate and environmental scientists, geospatial information specialists, forest ecologists, social scientists, MBAs, product managers, SaaS veterans, and more. You can find us in the Americas, Europe and in Asia. We come together to nudge the voluntary carbon market in the right direction, one rating at a time.

We believe that rigorous, independent, evidence-based insights and ratings for carbon credits can help ensure that the voluntary carbon market’s growth rewards credits that make the biggest difference. We want to work together in this pursuit with buyers, investors, traders and other market participants who care about integrity and impact


We partner with organizations that have expertise on carbon markets -- ensuring that our ratings benefit from the deepest knowledge available on carbon methodologies, SDGs and safeguards

Carbon LimitsClimate FocusClimate Law & PolicyGHG Management InstituteInfras


Donna and Duncan’s paths briefly crossed during their pre-Calyx days around the topic of quality in carbon markets. In late 2020, they started exploring a possible partnership in pursuit of a ratings service for carbon credits, and, with generous early support from the Climate and Land Use Foundation and the David & Lucile Packard Foundation they decided to launch Calyx Global in early 2021. Since then, they have been hard at work with an amazing team of collaborators to orient carbon markets towards greater impact on climate and sustainability.

Independent Panels

Overseeing Calyx Ratings’ frameworks

Independent vetting of our ratings frameworks makes our work more robust – so you can have confidence in our ratings. Relying on many years of experience in carbon crediting and sustainability, the Calyx Global Independent Panels review and challenge our ratings frameworks.

Funders & Investors

We work with financial backing from foundations and institutional and private investors including these organizations.

SequoiaSusquehannaThe David & Lucile Packard FoundationClimate and Land Use AllianceGoose CapitalGood Energies by PorticusNew Climate VenturesTime Zero Capital