New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
We are trying something new, which is to provide subscriber-only blog posts. These may include new insights and lessons we are learning from assessing the quality of carbon credits, but also to share responses to questions we receive from customers that we feel may benefit all of our subscribers. The most recently one is below, which we are sharing in this inaugural “Subscriber Only” blog post.
Customer question: We are reviewing several investment opportunities in Brazil and interested in Calyx’s Point of View on potential carbon offset policy changes and the creation of a compliance market over the next 5-10+ years. Our understanding is there are at least 5 Bills including a Green Bill focused on creating a regulated market in Brazil. We are very interested in understanding the probability of a compliance market developing in Brazil and if it will limit the number of offsets in the voluntary market or may prevent offsets generated in Brazil to be exported for use in other countries. Thank you!
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