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The ICVCM endorsement and our take on the GHG integrity of J-REDD


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The ICVCM announced that three REDD methodologies now can receive the Core Carbon Principles (CCP) label. One is a project-based REDD methodology (VM0048) and two others are jurisdictional REDD methodologies (ART-TREES and VCS JNR). Here we provide an overview of the two approved for J-REDD. For our take on the project-based methodology, see The ICVCM Endorsement of Project REDD: Our Take on VM48.

The ICVCM has approved two jurisdictional REDD (J-REDD) methodologies: ART-TREES and VCS Jurisdictional and Nested REDD (JNR). For ART-TREES, the ICVCM limited their approval to programs that reduce emissions (not those claiming removals). The ICVCM has also not opined on the ART-TREES approach for “high forest cover, low deforestation” (HFLD) jurisdictions.

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