New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
June 25, 2024 - News
Calyx Global Platform users now have the ability to search for carbon credits that are CCP label eligible alongside our ratings and insights. As the carbon credit rating agency with the most CCP-eligible projects rated to date, we’re excited to offer our users the ability to search across projects that carry the label, so they can more quickly identify projects that meet their quality criteria.*
Currently, CCP label-eligible projects include those that flare or utilize landfill gas and destroy ozone-depleting substances (ODS). There are also another 60+ landfill gas projects that we have rated and believe could receive the CCP label if the ICVCM were to assess older versions of the methodologies they deemed eligible.**
Why do we have so many CCP-eligible projects? It is because we focus our efforts on finding higher quality credits for our customers. We saw that the voluntary carbon market was (and still is) undervaluing credits that destroy ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and flare or utilize landfill gas (LFG). We started rating ODS and LFG projects in 2022, accompanied by our blog post titled Wasted Potential.
The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) created the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) as a benchmark for establishing high integrity in carbon credits. At Calyx Global, we align our rating frameworks with these principles. The CCP label is intended to indicate that a carbon credit has met a certain quality bar that aligns with the ICVCM CCPs.
The ICVCM’s first announcement of CCP eligibility included seven LFG and ODS carbon crediting methodologies. What will be eligible beyond these initially approved categories is still under review. While the CCP label can act as a reasonable guide for establishing a minimum benchmark for quality, project-level analysis is crucial, as a wide degree of quality can exist within any single category of credits.
While the ICVCM sets a minimum benchmark, Calyx Global helps companies understand the level of risk for any given carbon credit. We believe the quality of credits is not binary, and there can be many levels of integrity both above (and below) the ICVCM’s benchmark.
To learn more about the ICVCM CCP label, read more in our ICVCM series:
ICVCM’s first announcement on program eligibility: What does it mean?
ICVCM announces first CCP labels: LFG and ODS
ICVCM CCP Labels: Proceed with caution on LFG projects
ICVCM Categories vs. Calyx Ratings: how do they compare?
*In the Calyx Global Platform, the CCP label will be applied to all projects that are confirmed to be eligible. We are confident that at least 60 of our rated projects will be confirmed for CCP eligibility for at least a portion of issued credits; however, some confusion remains on which LFG project credits are eligible at this time. Learn more in our recent blog post.
**The ICVCM limited its analysis to a limited set of newer versions of LFG methodologies. However, in the case of LFG, we do not see substantial differences with older versions. Furthermore, our analysis suggests there is not a material difference in quality between projects using the older versus newer versions of the same methodology.
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Calyx Global Research Team