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New Calyx Global Platform carbon credit retirement data

August 20, 2024 - News

Retirement insights on the Calyx Global platform are now richer than ever. Users can dive into the details of who has retired specific carbon credits and get inspired by what other companies are retiring. 

Participating in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) isn’t always easy. For corporates looking to purchase and retire carbon credits, knowing what corporate climate leaders are doing can sometimes provide the confidence they need to move forward. For brokers and traders of carbon credits, knowing what is being retired ensures they’re purchasing credits that are in demand – which is essential for their bottom line. Institutional investors who care about ESG policies can consider how companies in which they are investing are doing with regard to offsetting quality. Viewing retirement trends helps all VCM participants move forward with more confidence.

Within the Calyx Global Platform, users can see who retired credits across the four major carbon credit registries, including Verra, Gold Standard, CAR and ACR. Nearly 2,000 companies with almost 1 billion retired credits collectively are listed. Our recent update adds a number of data points and trends to enable users to get in-depth information that will help them build their own carbon credit strategy.

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At Calyx Global, we are committed to making participating in high-quality climate action easier. By providing rigorous and transparent data, insights and research on our ratings platform, we enable companies to get the information they need to move forward with their purchasing and/or retirement decisions. Carbon credit retirement data is an example of a tool that can be used to do that. As you explore the feature, let us know your thoughts at

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Calyx Global Research Team