New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
February 27, 2023 - Ratings Approach
Calyx Global has added CORSIA eligibility on our ratings platform, including a way to filter and search for ratings from qualifying projects. CORSIA eligibility is a function of the Standard under which a credit is issued, the project type (e.g. many AFOLU project types are excluded), the launch date of the project and a few other variables. Read more about CORSIA here:
Using the insights tools available on the platform, Calyx Ratings Service users are able to compare / contrast the ratings of CORSIA eligible credits from different geographies, project types, Standards, etc.
The chart below shows the distribution of ratings for CORSIA eligible credits rated by Calyx Global compared to all ratings by Calyx. It demonstrates that, while CORSIA performs better than the broad market, airlines should still consider extra due diligence when purchasing CORSIA eligible credits.
Figure: Percentage of ratings for CORSIA eligible projects compared to all projects rated by Calyx Global
Updated as of March 16, 2023
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Calyx Global Research Team