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Projects vs. Ratings on the Calyx Global Platform

February 13, 2024 - Ratings Approach

To date, we have rated more projects than any other carbon credit ratings platform at over 460 projects. Although, if you’re a subscriber to the Calyx Global platform, you’ll see many more ratings than 460, so what is the difference? There are actually two primary reasons for the difference between the number of projects rated and total ratings on our platform. 

  1. We rate carbon credit vintages uniquely when the project conditions warrant it. So, the same project may have different GHG ratings according to the crediting period or years. As such, you could see the same project listed multiple times with different vintage ratings. Read for more detail in our blog on “Ratings by Vintage”.
  2. PoAs and VPAs. A “Programme of Activities” (PoA)  is a set of related activities where, once registered, coordinated implementation of a carbon project across various locations is possible. Once a PoA is registered, an unlimited number of component project activities (CPAs), or Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs), can be added following the PoA’s framework. Then the CPAs and VPAs can go through a simpler and combined process of validation, monitoring and verification. Think of the PoA as the carbon project parent and the VPAs as the children. VPAs are listed separately on the Calyx Global platform because there can be material differences that impact the rating of any VPA within a single PoA. For example, the VPA may be implemented in a different location, use a different monitoring approach or even develop different activities, according to what is outlined in the PoA. This could affect the quality of the GHG or SDG outcomes.

If we count our total ratings to date, we’re at 606 GHG ratings and 301 SDG ratings. However, to avoid overstating how many ratings we have achieved, we refer to our total count of “unique” project ratings. We do not count vintage ratings separately and only count VPAs (or CPAs), even though each has separate project identification numbers in the registry, where the ratings differ. 

Want to learn more about how we approach these additional project ratings?

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Calyx Global Research Team