New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
May 11, 2024 - Research
To date, Calyx Global has rated over 100 cookstove and biodigester projects, and we see the ongoing potential for these projects to be greenhouse gas-effective and SDG-aligned. As we have gained deeper insights into these projects, we’ve made our learnings available to our subscribers, as well as the broader carbon market community, in hopes of helping carbon credit buyers, developers and standard setters. Here we gather those resources for stakeholders interested in increasing their knowledge of these project types and our approach to assessing them.
It has been an active six months for both improved cookstove (ICS) and household biodigester projects, as we made note of important changes in the fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) and the potential tradeoffs to the integrity of greenhouse gas (GHG) claims and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for these projects. Moreover, in alignment with our mission to increase transparency and accountability in the market, we offered detailed insight regarding Calyx Global’s rating process for improved cookstove projects. Finally, we have provided recommendations for ICS projects to ensure the integrity of their GHG claims based on our experience rating over 100 projects.
Calyx Global recognizes the value of household-scale carbon projects to support both people and the planet - advancing UN SDGs in tandem with avoiding emissions into our atmosphere. We will continue to assess the integrity of Households & Communities projects and communicate our findings for the benefit of all those involved. As new data becomes available, we will offer insight into existing and emerging project types. We look forward to seeing further innovation and improvement in carbon credit quality across this sector.
If you have any further questions or reflections on the information we’ve provided, please reach out.
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Calyx Global Research Team