New 2025 YTD data on carbon market quality and pricing
June 11, 2024 - Research
The start of 2021 marked the beginning of a crisis of confidence in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). While it has been a difficult time for market participants, there is an upside: Increased scrutiny has sparked a collective push toward increasing the integrity of carbon credits. For markets to get back on track and serve as an effective lever in the fight against climate change, quality must be addressed. Market participants are already working to improve the quality of carbon markets. The question is, how are they faring in their attempts?
Learn how the market is progressing on its pursuit of quality through this data-driven report. The analysis behind the report considers greenhouse gas integrity, Sustainable Development Goal claims and the state of environmental and social safeguards within carbon projects, using Calyx Global’s approach as a rater of carbon credits.
What you'll learn:
How greenhouse gas integrity is trending in the issuance and retirement of credits
The state of environmental and social safeguards
What changes in the market are impacting integrity
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Calyx Global Research Team